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*補足:2017年に(ワインスタインが)女優などへのセクシャルハラスメントを長年に亘って行っていたことが明るみに出て、様々な役職を剥奪された。この事件は「ワインスタイン効果」(en:Weinstein effect)、MeToo運動(en:Me Too (hashtag))と呼ばれる社会現象を引き起こした。(以上、Wikipediaより引用)





翻訳:持田 直子



First, when the mother is either too good or too powerful for the person to let her go; this situation can cause that he or she remain trapped in the mother’s circle, in her area of influence. In this case, the mother is experienced, at an unconscious level, as a dragon preventing the person to move on in life, ‘the ego is arrested’, the energy of development remains stuck. In myths and fairy tales, the hero has to slain the dragon in order to fulfil his destiny.

The second situation is associated to a regressive tendency, it happens when the persons goes back to seek shelter within the family (basically, the mother); when he or she encounters difficult or frustrating situations in the patriarchal phase (work, relationships, financial independence); this usually happens when the individual is making his first steps towards independence.

The third situation can be even more dramatic, it occurs when the person seems already emancipated, has achieved a certain success in the patriarchal sphere of life (a good job, family, social position). But a bad unconscious relation with the feminine archetype may provoke a clumsy and infantile approach to sexual or emotional situations; the shadow of the Terrible Mother can destroy a career, it can provoke a total collapse of the individual. This means that the man, or the woman, had not come to terms with his or her fear of the feminine, the integration of the individual had only happened on the surface.

Think of the Harvey Weinstein scandal in Hollywood; or the tendency of some businessmen in Japan (salarimen) who behave childishly in the public transport abusing women; as I heard, these men risk losing everything they have achieved in their careers. Weinstein, a successful and powerful man, whose job was associated with capitalizing female talents in a creative way, must have been very frightened by female energy; for this reason he always tried to submit and humiliated them.

One paradox of the Terrible Mother archetype with Pluto in Capricorn (an image of absolute power) is that it has been producing male images of tyranny; there has been an appalling presence of tyrants all around the world. It happens as if the Great Goddess was engendering her own monsters: The Chinese leader has decided to hold power forever, the dictator of North Korea, the president of Philippines, the dictator in Venezuela, Assad in Syria, Turkey, and so on; Mexico, most probably, will be added soon to the list. And sure, the cherry of the cake is president Trump; think of his immature style of ruling and of all the women denouncing his abuses. One common trait about these tyrants is their childish behaviour, the horrible treatment to their attendants as well as to anybody who disagrees with them.

Personally, I hope that this tendency is only temporary, only an extreme effect of a radical process of transformation, and that in some years we will witness a regeneration (Pluto) of the image and rules of power, a successful integration (Capricorn) of the male and female archetypes. What we cannot predict is how many years we will still have to endure all those dreadful despots.

Xavier Betancourt

March, 2018





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