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この星々の動きが引き起こす深いレベルでの変化とその変化がもたらすものを理解するために、エリック・ノイマン(Erich Neumann 1905-1969)の見解をここに用いてみたいと思います。彼は、グスタフ・ユング(心理学者)の生徒であり学者で、ノイマン自身の女性に対する考えが、(女性を)インスピレーションと変容のエネルギーの源泉として捉えており、その考えが、繊細かつ洗練されていることに、わたしは常に敬服しているのです。

ノイマンの視点から考えると、人間は二つの元型の段階を経て進化を続けますが、その最初の段階を「母権制段階 matriarchal stage」と呼び、1歳前後の赤ん坊にとって「母」という存在が食糧・暖かさ・安全といった宇宙の全てであること、すなわち「母親への完全なる依存」の段階として意味付けられています。そして人間は、その段階を経た後、徐々に明晰性・区別・責任といった価値観を伴った「父権制的世界」へと向かい始め、その過程で「分離の痛みと不確かさ」を体験し始めます。そうすることによって男性または女性は、一人の「個人」となることができるのです。このノイマンの視点には、いかなる種類の偏りも含まれておらず、主に心理学と人類学のアプローチに見受けられるものであり、「母権制段階」が「父権制段階」よりも優っているということを意味している訳ではなく、どちらの段階も人間の進化の過程において相互に補完し合っており、どちらもが必要だと考えられています。










A radical reshaping of the structures of power has been taking place throughout the world at the personal, social and political levels, ever since Pluto entered in Capricorn in 2008; now the transit of Saturn in its sign of rulership, and the eventual conjunction of these two planets next year, will show what direction states and nations will take for the next 250 years (the cycle of Pluto); The USA, emblem of political power, for example, was born with Pluto in Capricorn.

This will be particularly true in the so called patriarchal cultures subordinated to the authority of a father image; it does not matter if the supreme leader is a woman, such as the UK Prime Minister, or the German Chancellor, in the patriarchal culture the structure of power is always vertical, the values are highly competitive, and authority is expected to be firm, efficient and clear.

To understand the consequences and the deep changes that these transits involve, I want to apply the outlook of Erich Neumann (1905-1960), a student of Jung, and a scholar I have always admired for his delicate and sophisticated vision of the feminine as a source of energy of inspiration and transformation.

From this perspective, the human being evolves through two archetypal stages, the matriarchal stage, defined by the total dependency on the mother, particularly during the first year of age where the mother means the whole universe for the baby, such as food, warm and security; gradually, the human being starts a painful and uncertain process of separation towards the patriarchal world of values: clarity, discrimination, responsibility. Thus, a man, or a woman, becomes an individual. There is not any kind of bias in this perspective, it is mainly a psychological and anthropological approach; it does not mean that the patriarchal stage is superior to the feminine, both are complementary and necessary for human evolution.

In the zodiac, this is illustrated by the axis Cancer Capricorn, and by the IV House and the X House, from the building of foundations towards responsibility and career. The movement is perfectly vertical, and it is associated to the symbolism of ascent, an upward motion.

The person, male or female (in modern societies), is expected to take the challenge the competitive society offers, and he or she has to avoid the temptation of remaining stuck inside the warm and comfort of the mother’s bosom (stay too attached to the family); this does not mean, at all, that he or she has to reject the feminine sensitivity experienced and developed at the matriarchal stage. On the contrary, the feminine energy stands for inspiration and revelation: a man cut off from the feminine becomes dry and cold; and a woman, too much like a man, in a negative way, becomes the stereotype of the amazon.

A society can set a system of values degrading the feminine (man strong, woman weak and silly), or a society disguises the fear of the feminine enthroning only values such as success and worldly appearances (social and economic power). These two opposite attitudes are clearly in crisis nowadays; on the one hand, see president Trump’s attitudes towards women; on the other hand, the disclosure of so many women in Hollywood (MeToo) denouncing male abuses; think, also, of the scandals about abuse in sports institutions (traditionally associated to male energy).

In the 2nd part, I'll talk about three main situations where the fear of the feminine can be recognized.

Xavier Betancourt





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