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<前編>リリスとダークマザー Lilith & Dark Mother

執筆者の写真: XBJ StaffXBJ Staff




2つ目の理由は、例えば、もしWheel of Fortune(運命の輪)といったアラビックパーツ(訳者補足:その昔、中東アラビアの占星術家たちによって考案された、占術において多用された計算上のポイントのこと。)や、加えてアステロイド(小惑星)占星術などを出生図に重ね合わせてしまうと、その出生図が、交点と天体でただひたすら混み合った迷宮図になってしまうことでした。もちろん、アラブの占星学を学ぶことは魅力的なことではあるのですが、そのためには、アラブの伝統的な文化を真剣に学ぶことを必要とし、ギリシャ時代後期とローマ文化の関係性に加え、中世の伝統科学を含む包括的なアラブの知識を学ばなくてはなりません。大袈裟に聞こえるかもしれませんが、占星学的にダーク・ムーンについて語りたいと思うと、同時にわたしの内なる山羊座の質が、今挙げた様々なトピックに関する確固たる知識を必要とするのです。








翻訳:持田 直子(Power in U, Inc./ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン)




When I started studying and became seriously involved with astrology (1984), discovering that the myth of Lilith could be calculated for any natal chart, called the Dark Moon, seemed to me very exciting. But throughout the years I became disappointed with these astrological techniques.

First, because there is, certainly, no hidden planet parallel to the Moon around the Earth, as the first astrologers, who named it Lilith, had speculated. I could accept it only as a virtual point, as many other virtual points (such as the Lunar Nodes) that the Arabic astrology developed in the Middle Ages.

The second reason was, then, that if we cast on the natal chart the Arabic parts such as the Part or Wheel of Fortune (there are dozens of these), plus the Asteroids (Uranian Astrology), and so on, the Natal chart turns into a crowded maze of points and planets. Sure, the study of Arabic astrology can be enthralling, but it requires a serious study of Arab classical culture, an understanding of the interactions between Late Greek and Roman Culture, plus the traditional science of the Middle Ages, altogether with a good knowledge of Arabic. It might sound exaggerated, but my Capricorn temperament demands a solid knowledge of these topics, if I want to talk about the astrological Dark Moon.

The third reason allowed me to move on, the most important, was that the basic components of Western Astrology (signs, planets, houses, elements and aspects) provided me with an incredibly rich and exuberant material for exploring a natal chart. Most of the themes that the Arabic parts deal with can be approached purely from the perspective of traditional Astrology. The Western astrological tradition has a long and serious lineage; it includes Babylonian and Sumerian discoveries with Greek and Roman developments, then we have to add the developments of the Middle Ages, several Arabic discoveries (of course), plus the formal studies of many astrologers of the XIX and XX centuries.

Well, I do apologise for this long introduction, but it helps me to make clear all about my commitment with traditional astrology.

Since my last comment about the transits of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn associated with the Dark Mother, I was led to revisit the myths around Lilith, the so called female devil, in the Hebrew tradition, supposed to snatch and kill new born babies. I associate this sinister image to the dark side of the motherhood experience; it means that all the unconscious fears that a mother has about her own child, such as illnesses, accidents, or even risks of being stolen, are projected onto this Lilith demon. Moreover, this projection absorbs the very unconscious hostile feelings a normal woman can have against her own baby, the fear of harming it herself.

Besides her destructive mother function, Lilith was also a terribly dangerous seductress, she would allure men to have sex with her, and later on she would kill them, either by strangling them or sucking their blood. This dark image represents, in fact, the anima, the female unconscious dimension in a man; Lilith stands for the fear a man might have of becoming weak or powerless with a woman, of wasting his energy (his blood) having sex; the strangling theme could be associated to the fear of a serious commitment in a relation with a woman. In the real world, when a woman expresses openly and actively her sexual power, men tend to be frightened.

Please read the continued article from here.

Xavier Betancourt





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