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メキシコのザビエよりメッセージ/Message from Xavier in Mexico

執筆者の写真: XBJ StaffXBJ Staff






前回のワークショップの時間中、「ゴールデンチャイルド 」のイメージは一人でにやって来ました。ワークショップの後、普段通りにお城と日の出を見て祈っている間、「ゴールデンチャイルド 」について考え続けていました。

Yes, this Golden Child is the Sun and the energy in us of the Sun; the very source of creativity that keeps us alive; creativity makes us human. 「そうだ、ゴールデンチャイルド とは、わたしたちに内在する太陽とそのエネルギーそのもので、わたしたちを生かし続ける創造性の源であり、創造性こそがわたしたちを人間にするのだ。」

この創造性に関する文章は、Zombie Boyの引用です。(最近亡くなったこの有名な人物について、追って想うことを文章にしようと思っています。)





The workshop I gave in Nagoya last May was incredibly important and exciting for me; it has been a turning point in my life because I opened a new cycle in connection with my beloved Japan. So many new and interesting people from Nagoya and from other places around the country! It was also the first time that l had the support of an authentic Japanese astrologer, such as Mari Koizumi san who helped me confirm much of my experience but also focus on some aspects I could not define very clearly about Japanese sensitivity.

The dates of this workshop coincided exactly with the transit of Uranus (innovation, revolution and creativity) entering into Taurus; nobody planned it, it just happened, we only realized it later.

Spending some weeks in Nagoya made me discover another aspect of Japan; physically and emotionally, I became conscious of the power coming from the centre of the Japanese territory, a marvelous region with a combination of modernity and mystical power, a mysterious source of energy from the traditional sanctuaries.

Staying in a flat at the 7th floor, I had the Nagoya Castle in front of me, and every morning when I got up to practice yoga, I could see the sunrise; thus, for a couple of minutes I could gaze at the big red sun near the Castle, the building looked golden bathed by the early sunshine. For me, it was as if the most essential symbol of Japan was encouraging me to start my day to meet and share my experience with the Japanese people!

During the workshop, the image of the Golden Child came up all by itself. Later on, while I was contemplating at the Castle and the sunrise, I kept thinking of the Golden Child.

Yes, this Golden child is the Sun and the energy in us of the Sun; the very source of creativity that keeps us alive; creativity makes us human.

These two last phrases about creativity are a quote from Zombie Boy. ( I intend to write a short comment of this celebrity who died recently from a fatal accident.)

I hope I will be able to see all of you again in the next workshop "Exploration of Golden Child".

Xavier Betancourt

August 2018

in Mexico City





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