
翻訳:持田直子 (株式会社Power in U)
As I was about to write a short entrance to present myself, I realized that, after so many years, it has turned out incredible difficult to talk about who I am. When we are young we think that we have so many things to say about who we are, and that a whole book would not be enough to convey that; but, as we grow older, we understand that all those things were mostly wishful thinking. Maturation is not about a mountain of activities and adventures, but about grasping and understanding the meaning of those endeavors, then we can start talking about who we are.
On the other hand, I have spent so many years trying to help people to understand who they are; and this, in order to encourage them to become and express who they really are. This is my purpose in life, and this makes me happy.
I was born in Mexico City from a mix of races and cultures. The way I understand it now is that my French background, my studies of French literature provided me with a formal and logical system of thinking. From my Spanish line I inherited a mystical tendency and a love of poetry; the Mexican experience provided me with a vision of magic and mystery. My Mexican nannies, their tales and practice of rituals, have been as important to my vision of life as my most admired professors at the French Sorbonne.
The study of Jung’s psychology provided me with a theory and a practice that connects logic and intuition. Jung’s theory helped to develop a way to communicate with people in counseling. Now I only use the Jungian approach as a point of reference, never as an aim of itself.Then, one day, I had a dream, and that dream was associated to astrology; I was 28 years old (Jun/1984) and had never been attracted in this traditional science. The dream converted me in a disciple, and life provided me immediately with the masters I needed at that moment.
In Astrology I found the perfect language to express myself through symbols, to synthesize psychology, art and serious logic. During the first months of my learning I used to bed my friend to allow me to read their charts. Then one day someone recommended me with someone and since then I have not stopped counseling. I developed my own system. Two year later, I open a group of study of astrology and symbols in my own house in Mexico City; I keep teaching two groups whenever I am back home, and I am always surprised that they keep coming all these years. My students are always complaining that I abandon them too much traveling to Japan and Hong Kong.
From the age of 5 years old, my mother started telling me about Greek myths; at 6, I was already organizing games with friends my little siblings about the Greek gods and heroes; as I write this I realize it was a strange theme for a young child. 1993, I decided to go really deep into Greek culture, I found a professor from the Mexican University who was interested in the same theme I was: Plato and Neoplatonism; I have been learning Ancient Greek and reading those philosophers with him in the original language since then. The understanding of Ancient Greek and culture have been fundamental to develop my vision of Astrology.
I like cinema enormously, especially Japanese and Asian cinema in general; cinema is one of the most interesting cultural and transpersonal filed to express the symbols and archetypes. I have been writing as a film critic for 20 years in a Mexican weekly magazine, PROCESO. This allows me to express my own opinions of movies, and it makes me talk about different themes outside astrology and symbols.
And most important, I have been traveling to Japan since the year 2000 for counseling; from the bottom of my heart I admire and love Japan, its culture, art, food, and, of course, its people. Being in contact with the Japanese soul, with its essence, has been the most rich and wonderful experience of my life; sharing my experience with Japanese friends and clients has helped me to open a very deep dimension of my soul. I would not be the same if had never come Japan.
Xavier Betancourt
February 2018