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2019 新年のご挨拶/Greetings for 2019

執筆者の写真: XBJ StaffXBJ Staff




2019 新年のメッセージ(香港より)










(翻訳 持田 直子)


2019 MESSAGE (From Hong Kong)

In Hong Kong the Lunar Chinese New Year celebration has a stronger impact on people than the Western New Year; these days, you can already see red images of the Pig and good wishes messages in Chinese all around you, for almost one week people will honour the Pig with lavish delicious meals and presents.

With Jupiter in Sagittarius spreading its beams from West to East, I want to convey my best wishes for this 2019, a year full of discoveries, mountains of wisdom, and faith.

At a personal level, the older I become, the more I appreciate the privilege of being alive, becoming more and more convinced about my purpose to learn from people, and share my own vision with them.

Torn apart by the abyssal glimpses of Pluto in Capricorn, and then pumped up again by Jupiter and Uranus offering new visions and understanding, I have set my goals for this year. As this next June I will be having my first Saturn’s Return for my Yoga Kundalini practice, I think I have to go over my commitment with the essence of the meaning of yoga in our lives. In 1990, Saturn in transit was conjunct to my Sun and Moon in Capricorn; the gift of Saturn offering me a tool for survival and integration is too obvious to for me to dismiss the connection. I cannot imagine where, and how, I would be now without this precious tool.

On the day of the first lesson of Yoga Kundalini, I had the vision of being offered a life jacket for surviving in the middle of the ocean (Neptune was in Capricorn too); all I needed to do was to keep swimming.

Yoga is about uniting and integrating; this new transit of Saturn in Capricorn is demanding me that I work more and more with the axis and oppositions in astrology; Jupiter Sagittarius is helping me to see more into the meaning of each sign and its opposite, as well as each house and its opposite; we can only understand, in depth, the meaning of a house or a sign when we see the dynamic connection with their opposites. Thus Aries and Libra, for example, can only be properly understood if we think in terms of two opposite faces of the same symbol; any understanding of the Fifth House, another example, is only complete when we understand its dynamic connection with the Eleventh House.

Well, this is what I intend to emphasize more and more in my counseling and workshops, I came to the conclusion that this will offer a deep and more practical tool. Xavier Betancourt





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