ザビエ・ベトコート 翻訳 持田 直子
When a planet goes retrograde, the energy, meaning the activity of the archetype, seems to go backward, as if the planet intended to rectify its own actions.
In the middle of this world crisis, the retrograde movement of Saturn, which coincides with the retrograde movement also of Jupiter and Venus, is very significant. Considering that Saturn represents order and authority, and Jupiter concerns low and medical jurisdictions, leaders of different countries will try to verify how effective their policies about the coronavirus have been. And since Venus is associated with financial activities, the damage to the economy will be studied in detail; the economic crisis will be approached in a more cautious manner. There is an important aspect we have to understand when a planet goes retrograde, which is the stationary position before the planet starts moving backward. The energy is stuck. In our political context, this means a certain period of confusion, of not knowing what to do. But one of the most important themes of this triple retrograde movement is the consequence that isolation is having on people. Venus retrograde in Gemini will start showing the psychological effects of this isolation and on line dynamics on relationships and ways to communicate which each other. Will we be able to trust human physical and spontaneous contact again? What emotional effects provoke separation and distance? So, let us hope that with these retrograde planets, political leaders find new effective ways to approach the crisis. Let us hope, too, that humanity understands how important is love, solidarity, and the need for human contact. Xavier Betancourt May 19, 2020