台風21号で甚大な被害に遭われてしまった皆様へお見舞い申し上げます。 1日も早く、普段通りの日常が戻ることを心からお祈りします。
ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン 持田 直子(対訳作成)

ここで神話のお話をしたいと思います(わたしの脳は、どうもシンボルと神話にしか対応しないようなのです、すいません。)。'Typhoon(タイフーン = 北大西洋で発生する熱帯低気圧すなわち台風のこと)'の語源がアラブ語と中国語であることは知っているのですが、ギリシャ神話には、'Typhon(タイフォン※ー先出の'タイフーン'と発音が酷似しています)(※ 訳者補足:日本語ではテュポン神と表記されることがあります。この文章では「タイフォン」で統一記載します。)'という名の怪物が登場するのですが、非常に興味深い偶然性を感じます。その'タイフォン'が出てくるお話を今日は皆さんと分かち合いたいと思います。
間も無く日本で皆さんとお目にかかれるのを楽しみにしています。 ザビエ・ベトコート

Dear all; I want to convey my deepest feelings to the Japanese people in this period of devastating typhoons. In this period of radical change, as expressed in the transits we have been mentioning, the weather is one of the most important agents of transformation.
We can associate the transit of Jupiter in Scorpio to these drives; Jupiter rules the weather and Scorpio is associated to regeneration. It is a hard period for the global weather; Japan, as one of the youngest geological areas in the world is naturally prone to earth and climate radical evoluiton. But this is what makes Japan mysterious and unique: hard work and resourceful people always trying to overcome and prevent disasters with a love for beauty and pleasure.
You cannot avoid being committed with this beautiful country when you are Japanese. And you cannot avoid being committed yourself with Japan when you love and admire this culture.
I just want to mention a myth (sorry my brain can only work through symbols and myths). I know that the Word Typhoon comes from Arabic and Chinese, but by a strange coincidence, a Greek monster was called Typhon (very similar sound) and I would like to share the Typhon's story with you today.
He was begotten by mother Earth, a creature with many heads of snakes, he was so huge that he could cover the whole horizon, he spit fire and made all kinds of noises at the same time. Just like a real typhoon (I have experienced a big one some years ago in Tokyo). All the gods were so frightened that they went into hiding, only Zeus (Jupiter) faced him, but before defeating him, Typhon stole Jupiter’s tendons (when we are too afraid we feel dismembered, we cannot coordinate), Mercury (intelligence and resource) got Zeus ligaments back, then Zeus beat the monster and created a beautiful world full of joy and new possibilities.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon in Japan. Xavier Betancourt