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昨今の厳しいトランジットへの対処法 Vol.3

執筆者の写真: XBJ StaffXBJ Staff


へと続く最終章です。先記事をまだご覧になっていない方は、まず、先記事2つを順に読んでくださいね。 ザビエの書いたこの記事が、皆さんにとって、この変革期の毎日を超えていくサポートとなりますように、心から願っています。そしてザビエがこの記事をお届けする目的もそれ以外にないと思います。

翻訳:持田 直子





西洋の言語で「コミットメント/commitment」の類似語に「エンゲージメント/engagement (意)従事する・契約する」という言葉があります。例えば、「プロジェクトに従事する」とか「問題を解決することに従事する」とか、もしくは、「結婚する」ということも、この「エンゲージメント」を意味することであり、自分以外の他者だけでなく自分を取り巻く世界と関わることを指し示しています。今わたしたちが積み重ねている努力からの恩恵を、次世代の人々、もしくは未来の人類全体が、受け取ることになるということをわたしたちは知っておく必要があるでしょう。エンゲージする(従事する)ことが、未来とその未来の幸せをもたらすことを、繰り返しここに書いておきたいと思います。









Commitment also involves direction, a target to reach, and this happens in the future (I will attain my target); as a Cardinal sign, if a Capricorn climbs (makes efforts) in the direction of his goal, it means that he is convinced that he can attain it. You need to be optimist for this. This sign of Saturn is supposed to be a pessimistic, but I am convinced that a real Capricorn is a sort of closeted optimistic; he is always hiding his certainty to reach the peak of the mountain.

Thus, we have to be optimistic though realistic in these times of catastrophes and tyrants; the easy optimism of the New Age is over, we have to keep our spirit elevated but our feet on the earth. The optimism of Capricorn depends on his constant practice; he tries never to procrastinate.

Capricorn is a sophisticated earthy sign, he likes the best and most sensual aspects of everyday life; this sign can develop the art of enjoying, in the most voluptuous manner, his daily practice, such as work, walking to the office, performing tasks in a systematic way, or yoga, sports and artistic activities.

One synonym, in the Western languages, for commitment, is engagement; we can be engaged with a project, or with the solution of a problem, or to get married; engagement involves other people as well as the world around us. We have to bear in mind that people, or even humanity, are going to receive the benefit of our efforts. Again, engagement suggests future and happiness.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn, this means the best and most challenging position for the planet of war and combat. Capricorn likes success. The implied Mars quality in the Capricorn makes him a strategist. The difference with fiery signs, such as Aries (ruler of Mars) or Leo, is that these signs like to collect the medals of their triumphs to show off. A real Capricorn appreciates the whole experience that involved taking a challenge, the lessons he learned. A challenge is not only the opportunity to succeed, but also the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful trip to the top of the mountain.

The transit of Pluto in Capricorn shows us the right path to go through all the shakes and changes we are living nowadays; we have to assume our life as a step in the evolution of humanity, but we have to enjoy the privilege of being alive.

I hope to continue this discussion at the workshop in October, Nagoya.  I am very much excited and looking forward to meeting you all in October.

Xavier Betancourt

in Mexico City

August, 2018


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