先記事「昨今の厳しいトランジットへの対処法 Vol.1」の続きです。先記事から読んでいただくことを強くお勧めします。 次を楽しみにしてくださっているお声が届けてくださったので、急ぎupすることにしました!続きをお楽しみください。(翻訳:持田直子)

2018年8月 ザビエ・ベトコート
翻訳:持田 直子
Let us examine the deep meaning and the esoteric message of Capricorn; each sign hides unending revelations from the universe, each transit from the trans-saturnian planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) unveils one of those mysteries; Pluto revelations are the most radical because it is the most mysterious symbol of the zodiac.
The two signs ruled and co ruled by Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius, are associated to responsibility; whatever the trouble and pain, Capricorn has to accomplish a mission for the sake of mankind, Aquarius has to improve and share with the whole community what the Capricorn achieved through endurance. All signs represent a sort of step in the evolution of the species, but Capricorn’s action, reaching the summit, represents the assurance of progress for man. The Aquarius distribution of the good of mankind is actually a celebration; the sign of Uranus is a banquet of love.
Once Pluto in Capricorn has demolished an old regime and then established and brand new one, Pluto in Aquarius distributes the new vision and creates a new way of life. The Independence of the USA was signed under Pluto in Aquarius; later on, it was the Declaration of the Human Rights during the French Revolution, which brought the birth of modern thought. So, we can expect that nowadays changes in the global world, with a strong Uranus emphasis, are making old and decadent patterns of power collapse, and new ways of life, with new structures, are going to be born from the ashes of the old ones.
If so, how can we go, as normal individuals, through all those changes and uncertainties? What are we expected to do? How are we supposed to participate to make the best of it, for us and for the new generations, those who will judge us in the distant future?
The key and most important value of the Capricorn is commitment. This is a very rich concept that can be understood in different levels. Above all, it implies a choice. If I commit myself in a task or a mission, it means that I want to do it voluntary; it is not that someone imposed it on me. A Capricorn respects authority when the person or institution is worthy of it; but the authority a Capricorn respects above all is his own. If I commit myself, I cannot betray myself. If there is a choice, there has to be freedom, we have to fight for it, or at least, acknowledge that nobody can corrupt my soul. Even a slave (a negative expression of Pluto in Capricorn is slavery) can be free and committed in his soul.
To be continued to Vol. 3.
Xavier Betancourt
August, 2018