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3日連続公開:昨今の厳しいトランジットへの対処法 Vol.1

執筆者の写真: XBJ StaffXBJ Staff

本日8月20日(月)から3日間に渡り、メキシコのザビエから届いた「昨今の厳しいトランジットへの対処法 How to Approach Nowadays Tough Transit」という記事を3つのパートに分けて公開します。




ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン代表・翻訳 持田 直子


昨今の厳しいトランジットへの対処法 Vol.1 How To Approach Nowadays Tough Transits Vol.1 of 3









2018年8月 ザビエ・ベトコート  

Vol.2 はこちらからどうぞ。



We cannot deny reality: we are witnessing one of the toughest, though most exciting transits of planets in our times. Jupiter is now in Scorpio, coming soon to Sagittarius, the sign it rules, then to Capricorn where it will bump into Saturn and Pluto.

Uranus will spend seven years in Taurus, offering huge challenges because this earthy sign of Venus does not like to be pushed and shaken, but Uranus wants shear innovation and excitement, whatever the cost. Neptune is a planet of mysticism, but it can provoke chaos and confusion in Pisces, such as floods and earthquakes. Mars, closest to Earth since 2003, is conjunct to Uranus, which accelerates changes. Sometime Mars can behave as an arsonist, just see how it has been agitating the weather all around the world, Japan included.

I have been meditating about these transits and the meaning of all this; so I want to share my vision. I suggest, then, that we maintain a clear perspective of our times which means learning from the past, and then focusing on actual situations and events announcing the real changes for the future. We have to be realistic and avoid easy and magical solutions.

Studying the Moon, its transits and eclipses, can be incredible interesting and we can learn a lot of astrology, she is the Great Mother in action, but it can become a sort of show that only distracts our attention from the essential changes in the world and in our lives. Let us remember that the Moon represent also the dance of Maya, the constant game of veils of illusions trapping our minds and souls.

I propose to concentrate ourselves on the transit of Pluto in Capricorn which will be enhanced and fully revealed when Saturn, regent of Capricorn, conjuncts it. Why?

First, because Pluto is the symbol of transformation, genesis, and total regeneration; it takes 250 years to complete a cycle, if we associate this with the past, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was between the years 1762-1776; then the most important event was the war of independence of the USA. This emerging nation set a radical new model of life which included democratic government, improvement in the quality of life, justice, freedom, science and technology. With all its contradictions, America inspired most of the modern and most advantages patterns of comfort, respect to the individual and success for everybody. Now, the leader of that country is trying to destroy all those values, just think of his cynical attitudes and attacks to the freedom of the press.

And just for the record, during the previous transit of Pluto in Capricorn, 1516-1530, the Spanish Empire overturned the Aztec Empire and founded and new world in the American continent. And this style of life prevailed until the USA set the example for freedom, democracy and progress. Let us not forget that Capricorn is associated to power and long lasting structures and systems, social ways of life and government (the Spanish Colony in the Amrican continent lasted three centuries creating new cultures and even new races).

In Vol.2, I propose a path to understanding in depth the meaning of this transit, its consequences, and the best attitudes we should keep through all this process, understanding it and contributing to the best possibilities.  

Xavier Betancourt

August 2018


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